Le Manzanares à quai depuis avril 2015, quand a été trouvée la drogue dissimulée dans une cargaison de sucre importée par Nabatco, entreprise d'Acra.
Billionaires' Marc Antoine Acra and Sebastien Francois Xavier Acra are formally charged for Drug Trafficking in Haiti - Par Èzili Dantò
Publié par Èzili Dantò sur 9 Août 2016, 16:06pm
Billionaires' Marc Antoine Acra and Sebastien Francois Xavier Acra are formally charged for Drug Trafficking in Haiti. See who were investigated and not charged. Here's the Èzili'z HLLN unofficial English translation from French ( See links for the original French) of the Nouvelliste article about the indictment on August 5, 2016 of the Acra brothers. Pretty major stuff considering these white elites in Haiti have historically been untouchable by the law. You all will remember their rash of kidnapping in 2004 up to today that was blamed, by the embedded media, especially Miami Herald's Jacqueline Charles, on the anti-imperialist Lavalas uprising militants. But there's no Lavalas to blame the Acra ship of cocaine on, so this is too intriguing.
Alright folks, those who have been with HLLN for awhile, send your comments. Here are my questions put in photo form (Israeli/DR Border Incursion in Haiti - https://goo.gl/bbIPMm; Bigio's Port Lafito https://goo.gl/3pgB8B; The Haiti plantation gatekeepers- corrupt billionaires of the Caribbean -https://goo.gl/ayvdzf .)
Why wasn't the Martelly-Paul indicted? Who is winning this terrorist oligarchy power trip in Haiti (The Israeli vs Arab Eurasian warmongers) that uses our Black bodies and Desalin's lands as canon fodder? Is this what Drèd Wilmè and 20,000 Haitians died to assure during the first two years of the Apaid-Boulos-Bigio bicentennial coup detat against Haiti? Did we die protecting Haiti human rights so that Gilbert Bigio and his Dominican Republic partners would create Port Lafito to take out Fritz Mevs' Port Terminal Varreux in Site Solèy?
Why are Haiti politicians so incredulously oblivious.. so much so they allow these foreign imported terrorists whites to take down Haiti government, privatize Haiti ports, bring in Israeli and South African mercenaries like HLSI to be the new Tonton Makouts at Haiti's borders "land, air and sea?" Who will be surprised when Ambassador Lacy Swing's IOM/Obama's USAID/Special shadowy military forces decide to attack some of the 200,000 stateless Haitians at the DR-border, blame it on clueless Haiti politicians and then "save" them by creating a Victoria Nuland-Robert Kagan/HillaryBillClinton "safe zone" exactly where Haiti resources and long coastline to its massive oil can be accessed? Wake up folks, stop focusing on the white supremacist fake elections in Haiti and in the US and the their bourgeoisie notions of democracy and create your world -- Pa bliye, sa ki mouri n'ap vanje yo. (See below - After the shock Clifford Brandt, Marc Antoine Acra and Sebastien Francois Xavier Acra are formally charged for drug Traffic [Cocaine Sugar boat])
After the shock Clifford Brandt, Marc Antoine Acra and Sebastien Francois Xavier Acra are formally charged for drug Traffic [Cocaine Sugar boat]
http://www.touthaiti.com/ touthaiti-actualites/5059- apres-le-choc-clifford-brandt- marc-antoine-acra-et- sebastien-francois-xavier- accra-officiellement-inculpes- pour-traffic-de-drogue-bateau- cocaine-sucree
http://www. radiotelevisioncaraibes.com/ nouvelles/haiti/manzanares_ marc_antoine_acra_s_bastien_ fran_ois_xavier_acra_et_g.html
marc antoine acra linkedin
Finally, slowly but surely Haiti is moving towards a new chapter in its history. The taboos are starting to fall to the chagrin of the proponents of the status quo. Those who were considered immaculately untouchable find themselves in the spotlight and the sources of their wealth are now challenged and need to be surveyed to identify and understand why these people choose to be compradors and not bosses of industry to create wealth and promote the development of the country.
These iconic names of families who inspired, to many, respect and even fear both now find themselves in everyday gullies and mixed with all the stink sauces of illicit trafficking. This ruling will have implications hitherto unsuspected and affect other sectors of national activity, particularly the banks.
So after the shock of discovering Clifford Brandt was a leader of a gang of kidnappers one is facing the reality of the decision of investigating judge, Berge O. Surpris, to charge the Acra brothers and their accomplices in what the people cynically called, "the Acra Cocaine Sugar boat."
Tout Haiti invites you to read this Nouvelliste report for further details.
" Manzanares: Marc Antoine Acra, Acra Sébastien François Xavier and Gregory Georges' indicted for drug trafficking"
The businessman Marc Antoine Acra, head of Nabatco, importing company with a cargo of sugar from Colombia, transported by the Manzanares ship in which the drugs were found in April 2015, has been "charged" and Sébastien François Xavier Acra and Gregory Georges, alias Ti Ketan, for "illicit drug trafficking," according to the order of indictment issued by investigating judge, Berge O. Surpris, from the Court of First Instance of Port-au- Prince on July 29, 2016.
Also named in the indictment are Fedner Doliscar aka Surpris, and Jacquelin Wilfrid aka Bouboul, who are in turn charged with "complicity in smuggling of drugs." "Therefore, they are referred to the criminal court sitting without juries, to be judged in accordance with the Law of 7 August 2001 and Article 44 and 45 of the Penal Code," reads the indictment. The judge, Berge O. Surpris, writes "they shall be arrested and bodily deposited in the Civil Prison of Port-au-Prince if they are not already there, also it is further ordered that all parts of the whole process and warrant for arrest to this order shall be forthwith presented to the Government Commissioner, to be duly executed."
The indictment and warrant for arrest, states the judge's reasons, as follows: "Let us adopt some of the conclusions contained in the final submissions of the Government Commissioner on 13 June 2016 say and declare that the evidence and charges against the accused: Manuel Alberto Rodriguez Arauyo, Ernesto Garcia Chuquival, Eliezer Benigno Dominguez Peralta, Fernando Cezar Cordoba Falcon, Fredi Eliseo Castro, Rodolpho Franceka Mendez, Jose Ephraim Rivera Funez, Jacito Cepeda Castro, Jose Luis Carrazco Chumo, Mariano Alcidez, Martez Ortiz, Fidel Rodriguez de la Cruz and Porfilio Menjivas Ayala, Jean Bernard Fritz Mevs, Allen Rosier, Marie H. Kettely Melon and Gerald Luke, aka Gatesa, are not sufficient, therefore, they are beyond the bonds of the charges; this according to the requirements of Article 115 of the CIC; it is ordered that the defendants Manuel Alberto Rodriguez Garcia Arauyo and Enersto Chuquival be released if they are not retained for other cause. "
Parquet, quick result
"The order was received by the the trial court in Port-au-Prince, on Friday 5 August 2016. The prosecutor handling the case was instructed to promptly and quickly implement the order of the investigating judge, " Jean Danton Léger, the Government Commissioner told the Nouvelliste newspaper. What of those indicted who are outside the national territory? "I have not yet verified this. But if that's the case, I will use the applicable legal procedures so that they return to be brought to justice, "he assured, recalling his commitment that justice makes its way, without any special treatment."
The Government Commissioner in April 2016, had issued a departure (travel ban) injunction against the businessman Marc Antoine Acra and Co in the Manzanares case. "Until further investigation, I think there are people who should be at the disposal of justice. That's why I took a protective measure against Acra and Company prohibition travel." claimed the Government Commissioner, Mr. Danton Léger, to the newspaper. This decision, appealed, was overturned by the Court of First Instance.
Contacted by the newspaper, on Friday afternoon, Alain Lemithe, lawyer Marc Antoine Acra, declined to comment. "We have received no paperwork. We can not comment," he said.
Some elements of the investigation
It's been more than a year, since 5 April 2015, that the Manzanares ship, flying the Panamanian flag, was anchored in (Fritz Mevs') Port Terminal Varreux, after two days of waiting in the Bay of Port-au-Prince. There was no place in the two docks of the APN. The shipping agency Madsen Export-Import SA, an agency contracted by the NAVESCO to work for (Acra's) Nabatco, hustled to find permission for the boat to dock.
In the holds of the Manzanares, there was a shipment of six thousand five hundred metric tons of sugar; one hundred and ninety thousand one hundred ninety(190 190) bags of 25 and 50 kg, Incauca brand, commissioned in February 2015 by Nabatco with a Colombian company, Azucares Y Mieles. The loading of the sugar was made at the port of Buenaaventura, Colombia, between 9 and 22 March 2015 by the Sociedad Porturia Regional de Buenaventura.
Nabatco's insurance company is WSS Insurance, revealed the investigation by the BLTS (Haiti DEA unit known as The Brigade To Fight against Drug Trafficking.) This insurance company was responsible for monitoring compliance and quality of loading sugar on the MV/Manzanares. This vessel is the property of Navesco. The sailors were employed by a company called Ibernor.
On 6 April 2015, the BLTS, was tipped off (alerted about the drug smuggling) and entered the search. Between Sunday 12 and Thursday, April 23, 2015, agents in the canine unit with the BLTS policemen found drugs. A total of 108 kg of cocaine and 15 kilos of heroin, according to BLTS. The drugs were concealed in foam plates on the stairs of the wedge # 2. These plates, the search revealed, were introduced to port by a stamped vehicle Securidad portuaria Buenaventura. There was a disturbance 3 days during loading due to a rupture of stock. The drugs, once found, led to the arrest of the crew. 17 passports revealed that there were 6 Peruvians, 5 Hondurans, 1 Colombian and 1 Panamanian. Checking the information led investigators to believe that part of the drug was washed away before the intervention of the BLTS on April 6, according to the investigation of BLTS which revealed that Sebastien Acra had visited Colombia 18 February 22, 2015.
A Goodwill Ambassador Indicted
By presidential decree dated February 1, 2016, the citizen Marc Antoine Acra was named Goodwill Ambassador of the Republic of Haiti, six days before the departure of the Martelly-Paul Administration. The executive took this decision considering that, both on the national stage and on the international scene, they embark for several years, actions to contribute to the country's economic development. Moreover, considering that "its services and initiatives are likely to promote the development of the country and contribute to the good name and image building of the Republic abroad", had said the decree signed by Michel Martelly, Évans Paul and Renaud Lener.
Èzili Dantò's Note:
Billionaires' Marc Antoine Acra and Sebastien Francois Xavier Acra are formally charged for Drug Trafficking in Haiti. See who were investigated and not charged. Here's the Èzili'z HLLN unofficial English translation from French ( See links for the original French) of the Nouvelliste article about the indictment on August 5, 2016 of the Acra brothers. Pretty major stuff considering these white elites in Haiti have historically been untouchable by the law. You all will remember their rash of kidnapping in 2004 up to today that was blamed, by the embedded media, especially Miami Herald's Jacqueline Charles, on the anti-imperialist Lavalas uprising militants. But there's no Lavalas to blame the Acra ship of cocaine on, so this is too intriguing.
Alright folks, those who have been with HLLN for awhile, send your comments. Here are my questions put in photo form (Israeli/DR Border Incursion in Haiti - https://goo.gl/bbIPMm; Bigio's Port Lafito https://goo.gl/3pgB8B; The Haiti plantation gatekeepers- corrupt billionaires of the Caribbean -https://goo.gl/ayvdzf .)
Why wasn't the Martelly-Paul indicted? Who is winning this terrorist oligarchy power trip in Haiti (The Israeli vs Arab Eurasian warmongers) that uses our Black bodies and Desalin's lands as canon fodder? Is this what Drèd Wilmè and 20,000 Haitians died to assure during the first two years of the Apaid-Boulos-Bigio bicentennial coup detat against Haiti? Did we die protecting Haiti human rights so that Gilbert Bigio and his Dominican Republic partners would create Port Lafito to take out Fritz Mevs' Port Terminal Varreux in Site Solèy?
Why are Haiti politicians so incredulously oblivious.. so much so they allow these foreign imported terrorists whites to take down Haiti government, privatize Haiti ports, bring in Israeli and South African mercenaries like HLSI to be the new Tonton Makouts at Haiti's borders "land, air and sea?" Who will be surprised when Ambassador Lacy Swing's IOM/Obama's USAID/Special shadowy military forces decide to attack some of the 200,000 stateless Haitians at the DR-border, blame it on clueless Haiti politicians and then "save" them by creating a Victoria Nuland-Robert Kagan/HillaryBillClinton "safe zone" exactly where Haiti resources and long coastline to its massive oil can be accessed?Wake up folks, stop focusing on the white supremacist fake elections in Haiti and in the US and the their bourgeoisie notions of democracy and create your world -- Pa bliye, sa ki mouri n'ap vanje yo. (See below - After the shock Clifford Brandt, Marc Antoine Acra and Sebastien Francois Xavier Acra are formally charged for drug Traffic [Cocaine Sugar boat])
It's Bwa Kayiman folks, let's focus on our creations, our power, ONE LOVE and on
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Ezili Dantò. 4,105 likes · 275 talking about this. Dedicated to correcting media lies about Haiti. Ezili Dantò is a writer,performance poet & human...
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After the shock Clifford Brandt, Marc Antoine Acra and Sebastien Francois Xavier Acra are formally charged for drug Traffic [Cocaine Sugar boat]
http://www.touthaiti.com/ touthaiti-actualites/5059- apres-le-choc-clifford-brandt- marc-antoine-acra-et- sebastien-francois-xavier- accra-officiellement-inculpes- pour-traffic-de-drogue-bateau- cocaine-sucree
http://www. radiotelevisioncaraibes.com/ nouvelles/haiti/manzanares_ marc_antoine_acra_s_bastien_ fran_ois_xavier_acra_et_g.html
marc antoine acra linkedin
Finally, slowly but surely Haiti is moving towards a new chapter in its history. The taboos are starting to fall to the chagrin of the proponents of the status quo. Those who were considered immaculately untouchable find themselves in the spotlight and the sources of their wealth are now challenged and need to be surveyed to identify and understand why these people choose to be compradors and not bosses of industry to create wealth and promote the development of the country.
These iconic names of families who inspired, to many, respect and even fear both now find themselves in everyday gullies and mixed with all the stink sauces of illicit trafficking. This ruling will have implications hitherto unsuspected and affect other sectors of national activity, particularly the banks.
So after the shock of discovering Clifford Brandt was a leader of a gang of kidnappers one is facing the reality of the decision of investigating judge, Berge O. Surpris, to charge the Acra brothers and their accomplices in what the people cynically called, "the Acra Cocaine Sugar boat."
Tout Haiti invites you to read this Nouvelliste report for further details.
" Manzanares: Marc Antoine Acra, Acra Sébastien François Xavier and Gregory Georges' indicted for drug trafficking"
The businessman Marc Antoine Acra, head of Nabatco, importing company with a cargo of sugar from Colombia, transported by the Manzanares ship in which the drugs were found in April 2015, has been "charged" and Sébastien François Xavier Acra and Gregory Georges, alias Ti Ketan, for "illicit drug trafficking," according to the order of indictment issued by investigating judge, Berge O. Surpris, from the Court of First Instance of Port-au- Prince on July 29, 2016.
Also named in the indictment are Fedner Doliscar aka Surpris, and Jacquelin Wilfrid aka Bouboul, who are in turn charged with "complicity in smuggling of drugs." "Therefore, they are referred to the criminal court sitting without juries, to be judged in accordance with the Law of 7 August 2001 and Article 44 and 45 of the Penal Code," reads the indictment. The judge, Berge O. Surpris, writes "they shall be arrested and bodily deposited in the Civil Prison of Port-au-Prince if they are not already there, also it is further ordered that all parts of the whole process and warrant for arrest to this order shall be forthwith presented to the Government Commissioner, to be duly executed."
The indictment and warrant for arrest, states the judge's reasons, as follows: "Let us adopt some of the conclusions contained in the final submissions of the Government Commissioner on 13 June 2016 say and declare that the evidence and charges against the accused: Manuel Alberto Rodriguez Arauyo, Ernesto Garcia Chuquival, Eliezer Benigno Dominguez Peralta, Fernando Cezar Cordoba Falcon, Fredi Eliseo Castro, Rodolpho Franceka Mendez, Jose Ephraim Rivera Funez, Jacito Cepeda Castro, Jose Luis Carrazco Chumo, Mariano Alcidez, Martez Ortiz, Fidel Rodriguez de la Cruz and Porfilio Menjivas Ayala, Jean Bernard Fritz Mevs, Allen Rosier, Marie H. Kettely Melon and Gerald Luke, aka Gatesa, are not sufficient, therefore, they are beyond the bonds of the charges; this according to the requirements of Article 115 of the CIC; it is ordered that the defendants Manuel Alberto Rodriguez Garcia Arauyo and Enersto Chuquival be released if they are not retained for other cause. "
Parquet, quick result
"The order was received by the the trial court in Port-au-Prince, on Friday 5 August 2016. The prosecutor handling the case was instructed to promptly and quickly implement the order of the investigating judge, " Jean Danton Léger, the Government Commissioner told the Nouvelliste newspaper. What of those indicted who are outside the national territory? "I have not yet verified this. But if that's the case, I will use the applicable legal procedures so that they return to be brought to justice, "he assured, recalling his commitment that justice makes its way, without any special treatment."
The Government Commissioner in April 2016, had issued a departure (travel ban) injunction against the businessman Marc Antoine Acra and Co in the Manzanares case. "Until further investigation, I think there are people who should be at the disposal of justice. That's why I took a protective measure against Acra and Company prohibition travel." claimed the Government Commissioner, Mr. Danton Léger, to the newspaper. This decision, appealed, was overturned by the Court of First Instance.
Contacted by the newspaper, on Friday afternoon, Alain Lemithe, lawyer Marc Antoine Acra, declined to comment. "We have received no paperwork. We can not comment," he said.
Some elements of the investigation
It's been more than a year, since 5 April 2015, that the Manzanares ship, flying the Panamanian flag, was anchored in (Fritz Mevs') Port Terminal Varreux, after two days of waiting in the Bay of Port-au-Prince. There was no place in the two docks of the APN. The shipping agency Madsen Export-Import SA, an agency contracted by the NAVESCO to work for (Acra's) Nabatco, hustled to find permission for the boat to dock.
In the holds of the Manzanares, there was a shipment of six thousand five hundred metric tons of sugar; one hundred and ninety thousand one hundred ninety(190 190) bags of 25 and 50 kg, Incauca brand, commissioned in February 2015 by Nabatco with a Colombian company, Azucares Y Mieles. The loading of the sugar was made at the port of Buenaaventura, Colombia, between 9 and 22 March 2015 by the Sociedad Porturia Regional de Buenaventura.
Nabatco's insurance company is WSS Insurance, revealed the investigation by the BLTS (Haiti DEA unit known as The Brigade To Fight against Drug Trafficking.) This insurance company was responsible for monitoring compliance and quality of loading sugar on the MV/Manzanares. This vessel is the property of Navesco. The sailors were employed by a company called Ibernor.
On 6 April 2015, the BLTS, was tipped off (alerted about the drug smuggling) and entered the search. Between Sunday 12 and Thursday, April 23, 2015, agents in the canine unit with the BLTS policemen found drugs. A total of 108 kg of cocaine and 15 kilos of heroin, according to BLTS. The drugs were concealed in foam plates on the stairs of the wedge # 2. These plates, the search revealed, were introduced to port by a stamped vehicle Securidad portuaria Buenaventura. There was a disturbance 3 days during loading due to a rupture of stock. The drugs, once found, led to the arrest of the crew. 17 passports revealed that there were 6 Peruvians, 5 Hondurans, 1 Colombian and 1 Panamanian. Checking the information led investigators to believe that part of the drug was washed away before the intervention of the BLTS on April 6, according to the investigation of BLTS which revealed that Sebastien Acra had visited Colombia 18 February 22, 2015.
A Goodwill Ambassador Indicted
By presidential decree dated February 1, 2016, the citizen Marc Antoine Acra was named Goodwill Ambassador of the Republic of Haiti, six days before the departure of the Martelly-Paul Administration. The executive took this decision considering that, both on the national stage and on the international scene, they embark for several years, actions to contribute to the country's economic development. Moreover, considering that "its services and initiatives are likely to promote the development of the country and contribute to the good name and image building of the Republic abroad", had said the decree signed by Michel Martelly, Évans Paul and Renaud Lener.
Roberson Alphonse and Jean Robert Fleury
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