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Le Monde du Sud// Elsie news

Le Monde du Sud// Elsie news

Haïti, les Caraïbes, l'Amérique Latine et le reste du monde. Histoire, politique, agriculture, arts et lettres.

Invitation du KOMOKODA à manifester dimanche 12 janvier 2025 devant les locaux de la Fondation Clinton à New York.

Publié par siel sur 11 Janvier 2025, 22:30pm

Catégories : #AYITI SEISME, #PEUPLE sans mémoire...

Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti (KOMOKODA)
3116 Clarendon Rd.
Brooklyn, NY 11226
For Immediate Release:    1-10-25

Media Contact:    Dahoud Andre, 347-730-3620
                            Marie Lourdes St Jean Beauté, 917-345-2817

This Sunday, 1-12-25, on the 15th anniversary of the tragic 2010 Haiti earthquake which killed more than 300,000 people and destroyed thousands of buildings in Haiti's West department, members of the NYC Haitian community & our allies will protest outside the offices of the Clinton Foundation. We will be there to denounce the Clintons who had responsibility for billions of dollars of relief and reconstruction money which disappeared into thin air. We demand that they return the billions they stole from Haiti.

What:          Protest outside NYC office of Clinton Foundation

When:         Sunday, January 12th, 2025, 1pm - 4pm

Where:        Clinton Foundation NYC Office

                    55 W. 125th Street, New York, NY 10027
                    (Between 5th Ave. & Malcolm X Blvd. in Harlem)
                    #2 Train to 125th St

Join us as we ask the Clintons:

-What happened to the money Bill Clinton raised as UN Special Envoy to Haiti in March of 2009 in the aftermath of 4 major storms which devastated parts of our country?

-What happened to the more than 6 billion dollars raised through the post 2010 earthquake Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission which was led by Bill Clinton?

-What happened to the hundreds of million dollars funneled through the Clinton Foundation for Haiti relief and reconstruction after the earthquake?

-What happened to the money raised through the Clinton-Bush Fund after the earthquake?

-What happened to "Haiti: Build back better" (https://www.clintonfoundation.org/haiti-building-back-better) which by the way is the same slogan Joe Biden copied and pasted to hoodwink Black communities during his campaign (https://joebiden.com/build-back-better/)?

Come and join our protest. Please forward this message with your contacts.

 Sources :



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