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Le Monde du Sud// Elsie news

Le Monde du Sud// Elsie news

Haïti, les Caraïbes, l'Amérique Latine et le reste du monde. Histoire, politique, agriculture, arts et lettres.

HAITI WILL SURVIVE… par Guy S. Antoine

Publié par Elsie HAAS sur 3 Février 2010, 10:34am

Catégories : #AYITI SEISME

Part of my speech at a benefit concert in Highland Park, NJ, on January 30 2010

Haiti will survive, a thank you note to true friends

There has been an unprecedented focus on Haiti by the media and by people all over the world who rushed to assist the Haitian people in their hour of greatest need. I wish to thank them all. I dare hope that this show of international solidarity will be tangible six months from now, and many years hence. Make no mistake, the Haitian people are resolutely independent of spirit. They ask not for U.S. or U.N. military occupation of their territory, but they desperately need humanitarian assistance and have needed it for quite some time. Walk with them on the path of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Understand that they are not asking for pity, but since they are down (but not out), accompany them in their quest to reach their destiny: that of a proud nation capable of feeding itself using its own food; that of a nation that YOU will be proud one day of having as a neighbor and trading partner. Such a future, I believe, is entirely possible.


Haitians will continue to celebrate their ancestral spirits, even while some perpetuate the myth that they are damned because of their beliefs.

Haitians will continue to keep the faith, even while some hang their heads in shame or despair.

Haitians will continue to unite in love, even while some seek to instill divisiveness and self-hate.

Haitians will continue to build and rebuild, in spite of repeated natural and man-made disasters.

Haitians will continue to seek peace and social justice, while some seek to destabilize their institutions and their capacity to self-govern.

Haitians will continue to strive and live up to their revolutionary ideals, while some judge them not worthy of the inalienable rights that all others aspire to.

Haitians will always be truly Haitian in their hearts, wherever they happen to reside, because being Haitian means being hopeful and joyous and singing in the face of adversity…

And today, we invite you to be Haitian, with us, for a day.

Guy S. Antoine
Windows on Haiti,
windowsonhaiti.com or haitiforever.com
South Orange, NJ 07079

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