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HAÏTI/EDITO du Miami Herald : President BIDEN, arrêtez de forcer des élections en Haïti. Elles ne feront qu'empirer la situation.

Publié par siel sur 31 Mai 2021, 18:26pm


A man waves the flag of Haiti, whose president wants to hold elections in June despite unmitigated violence, kidnappings and insecurity. JOE RAEDLE  GETTY IMAGES  Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/editorials/article251751853.html#storylink=cpy

A man waves the flag of Haiti, whose president wants to hold elections in June despite unmitigated violence, kidnappings and insecurity. JOE RAEDLE GETTY IMAGES Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/editorials/article251751853.html#storylink=cpy

Ce qui est passé sous silence dans cet article, c'est que l'administration TRUMP n'avait fait que suivre celle d'OBAMA. Les CLINTON, des démocrates, sont ceux qui ont poussé pour que Martelly, puis Jovenel accèdent à la présidence. BIDEN est très proche des CLINTON. Ce qui fait qu'en quelque sorte c'est leur agenda qu'il poursuit. Les messages contradictoires venant de l'administration BIDEN viennent des analyses différentes de la situation d'Haïti entre le courant de gauche du parti et celui de droite dans lequel les CLINTON sont très influents.


For months, the administration has been following its predecessor’s mantra of “elections at all costs” by calling on Haitian President Jovenel Moïse to hold legislative and presidential elections this year. But in insisting that elections are the only way forward, the Biden administration has failed to address the stark realities that led to its decision to grant a new TPS designation. Conditions on the ground in Haiti make clear that Moïse cannot hold free, fair and credible elections: serious security concerns, social unrest, human-rights abuses, crippling poverty.

In other words, Moïse, Haiti’s wannabe autocrat, is not governing. He has failed to meet Haitian citizens’ most basic needs. Instead of tackling gang violence that has led to an alarming rash of kidnappings and human-rights violations, Moïse has used the past 16 months of one-man rule to take several unconstitutional actions. They include the creation of a problematic national intelligence agency; the introduction, in the words of Acting Assistant Secretary of State Julie Chung, “dubious definitions of terrorism”; a reduction in the role of key institutions such as the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes, and the removal and replacement of three Supreme Court judges.

He has also pushed a controversial June 27 referendum on the constitution that almost every Haitian constitutional scholar and legal expert has said is illegal. But rather than listen to them, U.S. State Department officials have ignored them. Some in the State Department have reportedly told members of Congress in private that they do not think moving forward with the constitutional referendum is appropriate, they have refused to say so publicly. The administration’s mixed messaging is unhelpful and should stop.

SUITE dans le lien.

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/editorials/article251751853.html#storylink=cpy

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