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Le Monde du Sud// Elsie news

Le Monde du Sud// Elsie news

Haïti, les Caraïbes, l'Amérique Latine et le reste du monde. Histoire, politique, agriculture, arts et lettres.

L'actuel Président du Guatemala présente ses excuses en 2011 pour le coup d'Etat organisé par la CIA contre Jacobo Arbenz Guzman

Publié par siel sur 10 Août 2013, 13:17pm



Un jour viendra où nous aurons en Haïti, un Président digne qui demandra pardon à la nation pour les coups d'Etat organisés en 1991 et 2004 qui auront povoqué des milliers de morts et le retour des militaro/macouto/duvaliéristes/grenn-nanbounda et tèt kale roses.


Ca prendra le temps qu'il faudra mais la vérité finira par émerger.


Les documents sont là.

L'article :

An Apology for a Guatemalan Coup, 57 Years Later


MEXICO CITY — More than a half-century after Guatemala’s elected president Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was overthrown in a coup planned by the C.I.A. and forced into a wandering exile, President Alvaro Colom apologized on Thursday for what he called a “great crime.”


In a muted ceremony at the National Palace in Guatemala City, Mr. Colom turned to Mr. Arbenz’s son Juan Jacobo and asked for forgiveness on behalf of the state.

“That day changed Guatemala and we have not recuperated from it yet,” he said. “It was a crime to Guatemalan society and it was an act of aggression to a government starting its democratic spring.”

The overthrow in 1954 of Mr. Arbenz, a former army colonel whose policies attempted to narrow the chasm betwen the country’s tiny elite and its impoverished peasants, squashed a 10-year effort to build a democratic state.

Under a succession of military rulers who took power after the coup, Guatemala descended into three decades of a brutal civil war in which as many as 200,000 people died, many of them peasants killed by security forces.

The Eisenhower Administration painted the coup as an uprising that rid the hemisphere of a Communist government backed by Moscow. But Mr. Arbenz’s real offense was to confiscate unused land owned by the United Fruit Company to redistribute under a land reform plan and to pay compensation for the vastly understated value the company had claimed for its tax payments.

Mr. Arbenz “was not a dictator, he was was not a crypto-communist,” said Stephen Schlesinger, an adjunct fellow at the Century Foundation and co-author of “Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala.”

“He was simply trying to create a middle class in a country riven by extremes of wealth and poverty and racism,” Mr. Schlesinger said.

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